Weekly Chef-Prepared Meal Plans
Say Goodbye to Meal Prep!
Our Clients Include
As a client of OurCheff, you no longer need to worry about what's for dinner because everything is already done. No more spending a few hours each evening to plan, cook, serve, and clean up after dinner. Your saved time is now your own again—spend it any way you like!
How It Works
Our process starts with an initial phone conversation to answer questions and schedule an in-home appointment.
The in-home consultation will determine likes, dislikes, allergies, and any special diets to be taken into account during meal planning. We will also get a chance to see the kitchen setup and equipment.
Create a Custom Plan
As your personal chef, our team will do all the customized meal planning based on your family's preferences and dietary needs. You will approve the menu items in advance of the scheduled cook day. We also provide all the grocery shopping for our in-home cooking services.
Cook In-Home
On cook day we will prepare, package, label, and store all food in the refrigerator or freezer in the home. Each package label will include the dish name, heating instructions, and time frame for when the food should be consumed. Service also includes cleanup and kitchen sanitizing to restore it to its pre-cook condition or better.
In-home Meal Prep Services
Serving St Pete, Sarasota, Bradenton and South Tampa Bay, OurCheff is quickly becoming the most trusted provider of personal chef solutions to suit your specific needs. Please contact us for a consultation about your meal prep needs and pricing.